Going With or Against the Mainstream View?

Recently, an interesting blog post from an even more intriguing aniblog-‘Beneath The Tangles’-caught my eye.

It put into words what I’ve sometimes felt under the surface when watching anime, especially hyped-up, critically or popularly-acclaimed ones. More specifically, the feeling that the anime did not live up to the hype and my expectations. The writer also discusses about mainstream opinion, the hatred towards popular franchises and a few other related topics.

I’ve been following ‘Beneath The Tangles’ occasionally now, and I definitely recommend the post (and even the whole blog itself, if you’re looking for an unique view on anime and manga) for those of you who’ve experienced the same thoughts and feelings.

Although the blog’s  main focus is how certain anime themes and characters can be viewed in a religious (mostly Christian, as far as I know) context, they still touch a fair bit on familiar ground for anime fans-like in the post above. Thus, the use of the word intriguing above.

Anyhow, hope it enlightens. Have a nice day. =)